Registering Your Song Use With CCLI

Each time your school sings one of our songs as part of a school assembly, or within a school event such as a nativity or musical performance, the song should be logged with CCLI (Christian Copyright Licensing International). This protects you from the consequences of copyright infringement, and ensures the fair distribution of royalties to the owners of the work. 


Signing In/Up To CCLI

Visit and sign into your CCLI account. Make sure you are on the UK site rather than the US site, which looks very similar. 

UK CCLI Homepage

If you have yet to buy a licence and set up an account, visit:

There are two licence options for schools:

The Collective Worship Copyright Licence allows for the projecting and printing of lyrics. 

Collective Worship Copyright Licence

The Collective Worship Music Reproduction Licence allows for the copying, scanning or sharing of sheet music and files. 

Collective Worship Music Reproduction Licence

Most schools, especially Secondary schools, are likely to need both licences. 


Reporting Your Song Use With CCLI

Once you have signed into your CCLI account, click on the Reporting link under the Applications subheading. 

CCLI Logging Song Use 1

This will take you through to the Search & Report page.


CCLI Reporting Page

Here you can enter the name of of an individual song, the CCLI number of the song (which can be found at the bottom of the sheet music for that song), or the writer/s of the song:

Once you have located the correct song to report, click on the REPORT button and it will take you through to your reporting options:

 CCLI Song Reporting Options

There are four reporting options, each with a question mark which provides guidance and examples on the quantities to enter. 'Digital' relates to the projection of lyrics, 'Print' to the printing of lyric sheets, 'Record/Stream' to the recording, streaming or distribution of any filmed content of the songs, and 'Translate' if you have amended the lyrics to a preferred alternative language.  

The Collective Worship Music Reproduction Licence should also be added if you have photocopied, scanned or digitally shared a song or songs from a publication. 

Once you have entered your totals, click SAVE and a pop-up message will tell you that the song has been successfully logged. 


Reporting A Full Publication

If you have undertaken one of our nativities or musicals, it is very straightforward to report each of the songs sung. On the Search & Report page, select Publications in the drop down menu. 

CCLI Search & Report publications

 Type in the name of the nativity or musical you wish to log:

CCLI Publication Report Pantastic

Click on VIEW which will bring up a list of all of the songs from the publication. Then follow the same registering process as for individual songs (see above). 


If you have any difficulties logging your songs with CCLI, please get in touch with us on or call us on 01483 503050 and we will be happy to help out. 

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