Secret Angels Nativity - cover art displaying 3 secret agent looking angels with the background of Bethlehem - floating within clouds

Secret Angels

Ages 4 - 7

Duration 30 mins
Speaking Roles 36
Cast Size 25-50+


Book & CD: Book includes full script, character list, curriculum-linked material, sheet music and lyrics. CD includes all songs recorded with children’s voices and full backing tracks.

Book & Digital Downloads: Book as above, with digital downloads that include MP3s of all of the songs and backing tracks, plus a PDF version of the full book. Where available, a complimentary pdf version of the abridged script is also included.

No Pack: If you have already purchased a product but didn't buy the licence at the time, choose No Pack under this menu, and the relevant licence/s in the Licences menu.


Performance Licence: You need a performance licence to perform our show to anyone other than pupils and staff. Our licences are simple - one price allows you to perform the show as many times as you like during a twelve month period.

Filming/Streaming Licence: If you plan to film your performance and manufacture DVDs for distribution, stream content on an internet site or on social media, you will also need to purchase this licence.


The EDITABLE VERSION of the script in WORD format is not available as a stand-alone purchase. However, it can be purchased alongside one of the Pack options when a performance or filming/streaming licence is also purchased. It is an additional item (script only, no music or production information) and is not a substitute for the main resource.

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Product Details

"Niki Davies has once again managed, in Secret Angels, to hit that sweet spot where simplicity, brevity and catchiness converge." Mike Davies, Teach Primary Magazine

Scroll down to the tabs below to listen to song clips, read the synopsis and script samples, and to view character information.

When the little angels are tasked by Angel Gabriel with ensuring the birth of Jesus goes smoothly, they decide that a disguise will be needed if they are to fulfil their mission. After all, people on Earth aren’t used to angels appearing from the heavens, and the angels have numerous visits to make: to the shepherds, the Wise Men, and to a rather forgetful innkeeper …

Niki Davies' charming nativity, with an accessible script and seven lovely songs, is an ideal piece for 4-7 year olds. 

Alongside the physical book, the digital download pack comprises all the songs, backing tracks, lyric slides and full book as a pdf. A CD is also available as an alternative or addition to the download pack. For a little extra, the editable Word.doc of the full script can also be purchased when the musical and a performance licence are bought, making it easy to adapt and adjust as you need to.

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Look out for our FREE Sing-along videos on YouTube for this nativity, making learning the songs easy at home.

  • Overview
  • Songs
  • Synopsis
  • Sample Scripts & Character Info
  • Reviews


When the Angel Gabriel announces that a special baby is going to be born, he also tasks the little angels with the job of making sure that everything goes smoothly. This means that the little angels must go down to Earth. However, there is one problem. The people on Earth are not used to seeing angels and no one would want to frighten them. But the little angels have the perfect solution. They will go in disguise. Will everything go according to plan?

This lovely nativity by Niki Davies offers an enjoyable and accessible way of learning about the story of Jesus’ birth. 


The little angels are all extremely excited when the Angel Gabriel makes the special secret announcement to them that a baby is going to be born soon in Bethlehem (WE’VE GOT A SECRET).

The little angels have to guarantee that everything goes off without a hitch. But they

are concerned that their appearance on Earth might frighten everyone. They decide that they must go in disguise. The first part of their mission is to make sure that Mary has a donkey to ride (OFF THEY GO).

The angels’ next task is to help the wise men find the Baby Jesus. But the wise men need a sign, so the little angels clean up the big star and arrange for him/her to appear to the wise men (SHINE, SHINE GOLDEN STAR).

As the wise men follow the big star, the angels fly back to Heaven for their next instruction. But they are greeted with a problem. Mary and Joseph need somewhere to stay and all the inns in Bethlehem are full. Knowing that an innkeeper called Jacob has a stable – but that he is very forgetful – the little angels fly down to Bethlehem to remind him about his stable (ANGELS IN DISGUISE).

As Jacob takes Mary and Joseph to his stable and the angels meet up with Gabriel again, the angels have a feeling that they have forgotten something. On realising that they haven’t told the shepherds about the news, they rush down to Earth – forgetting to put their disguises back on. The shepherds are of course very alarmed at the sight of the angels: however, they soon forget to be afraid and go with great excitement to see Jesus (HAVE YOU HEARD THE NEWS).

Now the little angels have completed all their tasks, the time has come for them to see baby Jesus for themselves. In the stable along with Mary, Joseph, the wise men, the shepherds, Jacob and his wife and the donkey, they watch Jesus as he sleeps (WE’LL WATCH YOU AS THE STARS SHINE).

The wise men and shepherds give gifts to Jesus and together everybody celebrates the birth of a very special child (BORN TODAY).

Script Samples

Sample Script - Secret Angels



There are 30 individual speaking parts in Secret Angels, plus six narrators. The lines of the narrators could be spoken by an adult/adults, or by children, whichever is preferred.







Innkeeper Jacob


Little Angel 1



2 + 2 joint

Little Angel 2



2 + 2 joint

Little Angel 3


Little Angel 9


Little Angel 4


Little Angel 10


Little Angel 5


Shepherd 1


Little Angel 6




Little Angel 7


Shepherd 2

2 + 1 joint

Little Angel 8


Jacob’s Wife


Older Angel 1


Big Star

1 (one word)

Older Angel 2


Shepherd 3

1 + 1 joint

Older Angel 3




Older Angel 4




Older Angel 5


Announcer Angel


Older Angel 6


Extra Shepherds (as many as required)

1 joint line


3 + 1 joint

Fanfare Angel

No lines

Song Samples

We've Got A Secret
Off They Go
Shine Golden Star
Angels In Disguise
Have You Heard The News
We'll Watch You As The Stars Shine
Born Today


Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Suzanne Gibson
Great script

Very child friendly and easy for staff to follow. A great story to highlight the Christmas nativity. Highly recommend.

Catchy and jolly!

A fab retelling of a familiar Christmas story. The songs are catchy and it is easy to learn them with the YouTube sing-along (and helpful for children to learn at home too). Children will enjoy the comedy roles and being sneaky angels!

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